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Monday, June 29, 2009

Trois Rivieres to Quebec City

We have now had 8 flat tires since May 15, 7 on the bike, 1 on the RV!

A steel wet bridge, with high winds is not a place for cyclists.

I can't even begin to tell you just how bad the winds were today...but this picture comes close.

The keys have now been passed to Normand Haas, Thanks Carrol, for keeping me safe these past few days. Normand will be joined by his son Lukas, welcome aboard.

A day of rest tomorrow, and it will be well spent relaxing.

12 comments (click to read)

Scott Lyon said...

Your going to have to keep up the good work as the press release goes out, as I was bragging about how you keep on schedule even through the cold wind and rain

Michelle said...

G Bax!

Wow, I'm amazed at what you're doing! Truely inspirational!!! Too bad i missed you in Gan, glad Joe caught up with you though... he can't believe you're doing this, he's awestruck!
Enjoy you're day of rest tomorrow, keep going strong my friend!


JoJo said...

Hi Honey,
It really does look Miserable, now you can say you have been through just about everything, on this ride, except Snow. I hope you enjoy your well deserved day of rest, be kind to those legs.
the donations have increased, you are doing any awesome job. Keep up the good work.

lots of Love

Paul Francoeur said...

Great job, once more Glen!

You certainly deserved tomorrow's rest. Take it easy. I wish you better weather for the rest of your journey.


Recumbent Paul said...

Hey, Glen!

Here is a small photo you can relate to...


JoJo said...

Good Morning sunshine,
I hope you have some of that today. Enjoy you day of as have earned it.
Next Wednesday Halfax Whoo Hoo!, Can't wait to see you.

Lots of Love

Rob baxby said...

2 weeks, 2 weeks!!
Take care!!

Clark McDougall said...

I can't believe you've been gone for 6 weeks!!

Keep it up pal!

My brother wants to know if we are going to defend the golf tourny?

Kim said...

wow, talk about dedication!
Glen, you are truly an inspiration
Can't wait to see you when it's all done & hear the stories!
Jon missed you by a few hours, I think, in Trois Rivieres...too bad!


Anonymous said...

Glen: At the ACPA roadshow today, the c2c2c shirt drew a bunch of very positive attention. Many people both aware and in awe of your accomplishment. You are truly amazing my friend. I couldn't even make it all the way to Orillia, for one day, in good weather, with fresh (if unused!)legs and here you are 5500+km later churning them out. My hat is FOREVER off to you.
Deepest respect,


JoJo said...

Good Morning to you "Superstar"
I hope you have a truly wonderful day today. Lots of Sunshine and winds to push you from behind.
We are counting down the days to see you in Halifax.Keep it up, I hope that you slept well and that your legs are ready for another pairing.

Love you lots

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill

Andrea Morrison said...

HAPPY CANADA DAY GLEN! It's people like you and your amazing family that make me so proud to be Canadian!! Sorry we couldn't make it this weekend to meet up with you. The good news is the hot tub is bubbling and waiting your arrival home. Take care , drink lots of water, and EAT while you can burn off those calories! Love Andrea and the boys