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Thursday, June 25, 2009

A day dedicated...........

Merrill is in the green hat.

I would like to dedicate today's ride to a young lady from Atlanta (Merrill King) who is in her own battle with cancer. My thoughts and prays are with you today and every day. I'll be riding for you today
Merrill, today is dedicated to you, and to hope, may you find the strength it takes to face your battle. We are with you in spirit, if not in person.

Here is Merrill's story: In April of 2004, Merrill King was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. She underwent chemotherapy and received a Bone Marrow Transplant at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta with her Dad serving as donor. For the next four years she remained active in athletics, school activities and living a typical teenage life. She suffered a relapse in June, 2008 with tumors in her chest. Radiation was the course of treatment. Again, life returned to a normal pace. She relapsed again this summer with more tumors and is scheduled for another transplant mid-summer. Throughout it all, Merrill has maintained her zest for life and sense of humor. She has inspired her friends, family and community with her bright spirit. Now she has a new friend in coast2coast2cure as they promote awareness for the cause of so many.

God bless you Merrill!!!


8 comments (click to read)

Anonymous said...

The 2 Paul's are coming your way today. Hope to meet you in K-Town and bike (drive?) to Gan with you. My Paul hopes there's room in the van for him! He doesn't have buns and thighs of steel like you, my friend...
Cycle on baby!
PS Jo - Paul got your message - thanks. He connected with Rob last night.

Scott Lyon said...

I just finished reading Merrill's story and am inspired by her courage and fortitude with her illness ........ My family and I wish her well and our prayers are with her.....

Paul Dinino said...

Hey Glen,

Your looking good man, reading all of the posts to the bog since I last left you as driver number 4, is really inspiring. It's been a real pleasure in being involved with this event, from the weekly meetings to all of the behinds the scenes stuff that all of the volunteers have been doing to make this event happen. Keep Riding for all us who cant be on the road with you.
Your inspiration to all of us.


Anonymous said...

Glen....enjoyed our ride on Wed. through legs were toast when I stopped and you still had miles to go...this is a wonderful and inspiring thing you're going...Mark Arbogast

Connie (Warwick) Ray said...

hope you beat the rain Glen, was great to see you again for a visit albeit it short, looking forward to the rest of your journey, was great to see your dad again too, im sorry i missed Rob by a day..give him my best please and Ted too...Godspeed to you all, shoot me an address where i can send the papers soon ..Connie

Rob Baxby said...

Hey Connie I was thinking about you today, sorry I missed you as well, hope you meet my daughter, Mackenzie.I'm glad you got a chance to see Glen! Take care,

JoJo said...

Hi Honey,
Glad you had a good day. It was great to see all the pictures with you and your Dad, and the fellas.
great story about Merrill and I wish you a full recovery Merrill.
Our thoughts are with you.Keep fighting.

Joanne Baxby

Carrol said...


I wish you a full recovery and I will keep you in my prayers daily. You are truly are an inspiration take care and I hope I get a chance to meet you.

Carrol King